Highly passionate individuals with decades of L&OD experience, Pioneers and Innovators dedicated towards imparting their learning with an objective to deliver qualitative Learning outcomes come together it is the most beneficial DEAL ever.
We extend a Learning opportunity for Personal & professional Development to individuals & professional excellence with learning opportunities to Trainers, Coaches, Facilitators, Teachers & Educators across the Globe.
Value Addition at the core through championing the cause of Quality Knowledge products by the Masters of the subject. Where every Individual that associates with us to Learn, Earn and Collaborate gets – A WORTHY DEAL.
At DEAL we: Associate, Create, Deliver, Learn, Earn Value Addition at each step by each one of us who pride to be a part of DEAL.
DEAL strives to be a premium networking community dedicated to L&OD professionals! Committed to enable the community through positive communication. Where “EACH ONE IS FOR EVERYONE”.