An Open Letter to Parents


Dear Parents,

Could not stop writing this letter to you. With hope and positivity I am looking up to you all as the future of mankind is being raised at homes.

During the past five months, the life as we knew it, has been changing so fast in front of us all that we could feel the change happening and could relate so well with the age old wisdom that – Change is the only constant.

As the things were taking different shapes in front of us, among other things, we could also see Education emerging in its new avatar. The traditional teaching has been replaced by Online Teaching and the roles of parents and teachers have merged.

In such a scenario, I have few questions to ask you all.

  • Are you ready to accept the change? (which is still going on)
  • Did you ever wonder what will be the new scenario of education?
  • What will be your role in the hybrid model (a combination of online and offline teaching once the schools open) of education?
  • Are you ready to home school your children?
  • Did you ever visualize a world without schools?
  • Could you have done something to collaborate with the teachers of your children?
  • What could you have added to the learning of your children during this opportunity (though forced one) when you were available at home with your children?
  • What is more important?

Basic competence in reading, writing arithmetic along with life skills


high proficiency in reading, writing and arithmetic without any life skills?

  • Did you try to coach your children basic life skills for physical survival, like cooking, washing, cleaning etc. other than studies?
  • Did you coach emotional stability, courage and resilience through your talks and actions to your children?
  • Could you have done something to make the situation better?

Try answering these questions very honestly. I am sure your answers to yourself will help you to find out the meaning of education and identify your role in the education of your children.

Remember parents, education is not what happens inside the four walls of the class room, education is all about our experiences and leanings out of them.

This corona time was an excellent opportunity to make the most of such experiences happening to all of us together.

Did you make the most of this opportunity? If yes, keep it up. If not, you still have time to think over and make the most of the time available. Nobody is yet sure as to when the schools are reopening. The schools open or don’t, the life goes on. So the learning for life must go on.

Wishing you all courage and resilience.

Truly Yours

Anju Arora

  • It’s what is new for all and we all are trying to get the best out of this situation too.

    This situation is where Parents and Students both are learning life skills and that what matters the most. How do you respond to the unseen circumstances as book doesn’t let one know but the wisdom from true education do enable.
    Awesome thought provoking question to ponder as a parent’s.
    Thanks a lot for it.

    • Thank you so much Diwakar ji. Actually the most important skills.. were never taught formally but with changing context there is a need to refocus on them.

  • Great Insights ,Parenting is a learnable skill ,the points suggested above a very apt and implementable .the will to do is a must and children at the weakpoint of every parent .lets try and implement the above suggested points and also make a significant difference to the generation next .

    • Yes Anand Kulkarni ji. The very children who are the weak points of every parent need to be raised into the strongest possible ways so that they can stand on their own at any forum in life. For this to happen, we all in the role of parents have to rethink and redesign our approach.
      Raising such questions, I have been trying to shake people out of their slumber.
      Thank you for your affirmation.

  • Very well articulated. Change as a constant should be the most acceptable thing but never is. This is one of the paradoxes of life that grows in us as we grow. However, children are more open to change and we should allow it just as much.

  • Very well observed Dilip Kumar Sharma ji. The challenge remains for ever as the mindsets are mostly influenced by home environment.
    In order to bring awareness, we have to keep raising the relevant issues. It is high time we must have formal parental trainings on real life issues which are equally or even at times more important than academic achievements.
    Thank you for your feedback.

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